Tuesday 7 February 2012


(RRP £7.99 although can be found cheaper at Amazon, Boots etc)

Perspirex is an anti-perspirant that says to 'give you reliable protection against excessive sweating and perspiration' and claims it is 'clinically proven to provide the best antiperspirant protection from swear and odour on the market' saying that one application can provide sweat protection for up to 5 days.

I think sweating is something a lot of people don't talk about. It's not something people are comfortable with and admitting that you suffer from excessive sweating isn't a conversation starter! Obviously we all sweat. It's natural. But sweat patches and the feeling of wet armpits etc can make you lose confidence in yourself. This is something I personally suffer from and it is a real confidence breaker for me in terms of what I wear etc. Perspirex is the solution to this!

The Perspirex Roll On works by temporarily plugging ineffective sweat glands and causes them to go dormant. The plug will then be expelled after the shedding of dead skin cells after a few days to weeks when the sweat glands are active again. You can use it in places other than armpits though such as your back although avoid eyes, mouth etc and do not cover more than 10% of your body surface at one time. 
It is advised to use Perspirex at night with 2 strokes on unbroken skin. You use it every day for the first week or two to build it up and then gradually reduce this down to 1 - 3 times a week.

I used Perspirex and I must admit it was a god send. I seemed to test it out by going on lots of walks in the heat of summer and it truly didn't show up sweat patches etc - I was very impressed. A word of extreme advice: do not use after shaving or on the day of shaving. I did this and it hurt so much I cannot describe. Also it will itch a bit but push through it and make sure you moisturise. I wouldn't recommend this for sensitive skin although I believe they do have another product specifically for this purpose.
Unfortunately I can't afford to keep this product up under my budget at the moment but I'll definitely be stocking up once I get an amount of money because it really does work and it could be seen as life changing to some.

For more detailed information and reviews make sure you visit their website and let me know how you get on if you've tried it out! I love hearing your opinions on products. 

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