Saturday 21 January 2012

Come dine with me!

So in Summer 2011 I decided to do my very own Come Dine with Me. Fortunately, there was no judging and no TV cameras around but it was just me and my 3 closest friends and I decided to cook up a 3 course meal for them. Cooking isn't one of my strongest points, although I absolutely love it, but I thought I'd try it anyway!

Let me say first of all - I'm not at all organised! I can organise others brilliantly but when it comes to doing things myself I get in a flap and panic. However, this was the easiest thing to organise ever so if I can do it anyone can! Although that may be due to the fact my best girls know me so well they don't have any expectations and hold no judgements towards my cooking and organisational skills... plus when you introduce alcohol to the mix it ensures your food tastes fabulous regardless. 

So I set up the table, chopped up potatoes and put them in the oven and made the crumble and jelly before. PS the kick was peach schnapps - you couldn't taste it in the jelly but it was definitely there! 

Before they all came round I'd made biscuits as name plaques out of a simple butter, flour and sugar mixture and we ended up eating them regardless of the fact they don't look like the most enticing things ever. We had them with chocolate spread which was lush.

Then, as we do, we had some pictures. The girls loved the food (surprisingly) and we had a lovely night, finished by playing Roxanne which is the best drinking game ever!

The results of my cooking - all gone, whit woo. If anyone wants the recipes to any of what I cooked (although they're ridiculously easy) or the rules to Roxanne feel free to comment and contact me and I'll reply ASAP! Hope you guys feel somewhat inspired to do your own come dine with mes now!


  1. I love this idea! I'm dying to do it with my friends too, looks like so much fun :) x

  2. Cool idea - look like you had a great time :) I can't cook at all :(
    Joanna from

    PS. Check out my new outfit with Picasso thighs in Black Milk style ;)
    If you like it follow me via GFC. I'll be happy to follow you back ;)


Please feel free to leave a comment on how you feel about my post or whether you've had a similar experience/product. Thank-you so much for your feedback x