Saturday 7 July 2012

Fast & Fruity - I saved £4.10!

(89p from Home Bargains)

Okay, okay so everyone's been going mad over the Bourjois Magic Nail Polish Remover and this one as well and both have been reviewed over and over I'm aware. However, I'll also join in the hype.
Nail Varnish removing is boring. It's dull. and it's boring. When you just want to change the colour of your nails it's effort to get out the liquid and the cotton bud and scrub and it's truly tedious. So this has made it quick and easy.

This comes as a liquid in a sponge with a hole in the middle. It's such a simple concept (yet Bourjois charge £4.99 for it? Wow!) that hasn't been done until recently. The sponge starts off as a yellow colour and there's not much more to say other than you put your finger in, twirl around and take out after about 3 seconds. Then - voila! My finger comes out perfectly with no nail varnish traces left. The sponge then turns the colour of the nail varnish.

It's such an easy idea that I do wonder why brands are selling it at such expensive prices. More fool the people buying them for the sake of a difference in smell or colour. I haven't yet tried glitter/crackle nail polish although I'm informed they take ever so slightly longer to remove. The results below show how clean and smooth the nail varnish comes off.

The nails above were Models Own that had been on for a week. It's a strong colour so I was surprised that it came off so quickly.
There are some quite big flaws. First of all the pot itself contains so much liquid that when I first put my finger in about 1/3 came out of the side. That tells me they're putting far too much in it - good considering the price but the overspill is a waste... and I wasn't prepared for this so it landed on a book (luckily it left no stains etc). The other issue I have is the smell. It makes me clench my jaw - it's not peachy, it's just smelly. It smells very synthetic. At the same time for 89p I don't care as it doesn't linger for too long.

This is a brilliant, brilliant idea. I'll be stocking up on more although for a quick fix, as it's flying off the shelves already, the sponge will soak up normal nail polish remover. Very impressed!

My only question now is... where's the one for feet?!

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