Wednesday 15 February 2012

17 Photo Flawless Primer

(available from Boots for £4.99)

I've only just discovered the world of primer in the last year. As I'm sure you're aware they are ideal for helping keep make-up on longer and build a base and canvas to work from. Ideally I look for a primer that aims to make my skin look less shiny and I've had my eye on the Photo Flawless Primer for a while now but have never specifically hunted it down until now.

This is such an affordable primer that I couldn't not pick it up under a Boots 3 for 2 offer! It was slightly watery on the first use but after warming up the tube it worked perfectly. The formula blends in wonderfully and sinks into the skin. It makes my skin feel so much smoother and gives it a lovely canvas for my foundation to be applied on. It makes my skin feel really nice and does indeed make my foundation last slightly longer.

This product is very affordable, even on a tight budget, and leaves my skin feeling so gorgeous after. As you can see the product itself is very attractive, the design is sleek and stylish and looks classy amongst my make-up bag.

Good for: Silky, smoother skin that helps foundation last longer
Bad for: I can't really find any negatives other than the smell but I don't believe there are any primers that exude anything other than the normal 'make-up' smell 

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