Tuesday 14 February 2012

Turning 20

My 20th birthday seems like a million miles away now but I thought I'd do a post before I turn 21 this year because it was on my previous blogspot and it was a very, very good day and night.

I started off my normal college day as usual with my friends; I received some beer, chocolates and a magazine from my childhood days with stickers and Demi bought me some cute helium balloons. 

I'd been talking all morning about just going for a casual pub lunch with Tom (pictured above) and Alice but Louise insisted we go to Sainsburys. As we left I was lead to Nando's where they'd booked a table with helium balloons and presents set up for me which was such a lovely thought. I opened my gifts where I'd been giving a Nando's gift card, chocolates and a homemade photoframe of pictures of me and some of my friends which was so cute. I even had a surprise cake bought out for me!!

After college Tom gave me his present and a while ago one twitter I posted 'all I want for my birthday is wotsits, balsamic vinegar and strawberry milkshake sweets from wilkinsons". He'd printed that off and stuck it to the outside of a bag. I opened up my presents from him and it was exactly what I'd put on the tweet which was so thoughtful. He also gave me a Grey's Anatomy and House boxset. I had my two closest friends over and ended up drinking a lot and met one of Levi's friends, Sam. We went to a club and were dancing and drinking and I hit my head on a pole. Me & Aimee walked home later that night singing Adele at the tops of our voices and a man who told us he'd just recorded Kasabian's latest music video offered to take us home. We declined and ate drunk food instead. Needless to say, 5 months later and that music video still hasn't emerged! 
Such a beautiful day though!

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